IABLE is a nonprofit membership organization whose mission is to educate health professionals and community supporters who work with lactating families. IABLE is dedicated to building Breastfeeding Knowledgeable and Supportive Healthcare Systems and Communities, through:
  • Education of health professionals and other outpatient community lactation supporters.
  • Guidance in the development and sustainment of breastfeeding and lactation support networks within healthcare systems
  • Lactation support through collaboration of medical systems and community institutions for collective impact,
  • Lactation education resources which include sharing materials among instructors, creating audiovisual media, and developing tools for community supporters to consistently offer evidence-based breastfeeding support.

Our online courses

Our online courses use evidence-based, clinically relevant materials to improve lactation knowledge and skills among healthcare providers, office staff, and community supporters. Most instructors are practicing physicians specialized in breastfeeding and lactation.

100% Evidence-Based Breastfeeding Education 

IABLE is a nonprofit membership organization whose mission is to educate health professionals and community supporters who work with lactating families. IABLE is dedicated to building Breastfeeding Knowledgeable and Supportive Healthcare Systems and Communities, through:

Learn a huge range of breastfeeding support skills at your own pace.

Learn about:
  • Breast Pain
  • Getting an Infant to Latch
  • Building a Successful Breastfeeding Practice